American Legion Post 71 

600 N Grant St  
Cabot, AR 72023  
(501) 203-5715  

Join Us

Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion.  National Guard and Reservists having been Federally activated (including basic training) during these same war eras also meet the eligibility requirements.

NOTICE:  As of Sep of 2019, Congress passed and the President signed "The Legion Act" which essentially now says that ANY honorable discharge Veteran that served 1 active day of service is eligible for membership in The American Legion.  The below dates are also still Valid as well.

  • Aug. 2, 1990 to today (Gulf War / War On Terrorism)
  • Dec. 20, 1989 to Jan. 31, 1990 (Panama)
  • Aug. 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984 (Lebanon / Grenada)
  • Feb. 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975 (Vietnam War)
  • June 25, 1950 to Jan. 31, 1955 (Korean War)
  • Dec. 7, 1941 to Dec. 31, 1946 (World War II)
  • April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)

U.S. Merchant Marine eligible only from December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946 (WWII)



Become a Legionnaire today!

  • Continue to serve by giving back to the local communities and helping fellow veterans.
  • Have questions?  Call us at (501) 203-5715 or email us at .